Words and Music - Jon Ernst, Eric Kampman


Centuries gone by, dispersing with the wind
Only but a moment in time's eye
We walk alone among many
Only for a moment and we're gone

Yet this instant is a lifetime
and an hour is a minute
and the history is future and present

Between here and now lands a constant change
that devours the reality we can see

Touching, too, can seem forever
Vet flashes become memories unaware

Mirrors with reasons and portraits with feelings
Sometimes conjure up truths from within

Within the realized - the unrealizable
The flower in bloom - the seed in soil
Without the manifest - the undivided
The mysteries - the questions

Matter and energy, particle and wave
Uncertainty is certain position vs. momentum
Inside the embryo behind the heartbeat
Objectifying lies in seeing


Copyright © 1984 Yoronkels Records