Drink at Lunch

Words and Music - Jon Ernst, Gary Morrell


I once met man from Oklahomey
He stopped for to give me a ride
My outstretched thumb rang a bell in his memory
His yearning was not defied

Mid USA, sand in the air
Dust Bowl '35
Some people safe, some people there
Some folks barely alive

He told me things that we could share
All those things he kept deep inside
My questions and smiles let him feel his memories
Let him spew of times gone by

like no history ever sounded
like a seemingly unreal
undeniably truthful
episode in the fate of my fair stranger

“Some beer?” I asked.
Schaeffer in cans (I wish they were tall boys)
America's finest (since 1842)
We drank and drove
for miles and miles- ... 

And the tree
His favorite tree
To stop
To think
To rest 


Copyright © 1984 Yoronkels Records